The Chronicles Of Favour

Favour Goes To School: Episode 1

July 28, 2024 Paulinus Episode 1

Favour's father, a poor carpenter, struggled to make ends meet. When favour reached school age, they faced severe financial hardship, unable to afford even basic necessities.

Eventually, his father managed to enrol him in a primary school many miles from their home. David, a poor carpenter, is sitting outside his humble home, carving a piece of wood. His son, favour, approaches him. Good morning father. I'm ready for school. But I wonder how I will walk barefooted on the rough road.

Yesterday my feet were sore. When I arrived at school, David felt a pang of guilt. He held his son close and my son, I know it's hard. We can't afford sandals right now, but God willing, I will work towards it. When father asked, uh, Favour, David was silent for a moment, finding it difficult to promise something he couldn't deliver...

In 1957, a child was born to a family in a core south south state in the Niger Delta of Nigeria. His father named him favour. Despite the nations booming oil resources, favour's father, a uh, poor carpenter, struggled to make ends meet. When favour reached school age, they faced severe financial hardship, unable to afford even basic necessities.

Eventually, his father managed to enrol him in a primary school many miles from their home. David, a poor carpenter, is sitting outside his humble home, carving a piece of wood. His son, favour, approaches him. Good morning father. I'm ready for school. But I wonder how I will walk barefooted on the rough road.

Yesterday my feet were sore. When I arrived at school, David felt a pang of guilt. He held his son close and my son, I know it's hard. We can't afford sandals right now, but God willing, I will work towards it. When father asked, uh, Favour, David was silent for a moment, finding it difficult to promise something he couldn't deliver.

Soon I'll talk to my local cooperative meeting to see if I can get a loan next year. I took one this year to get your uniform and other supplies. That's how you were able to start school. As favour listens to his father's words, a fire ignites within him. He is determined to make a difference, not just for himself, but for his community and the environment that sustains them.

I will not stand idly by while our resources are plundered and our land destroyed. I will become a voice for change, a champion for our people and our environment. I will be the man favour, a beacon of hope in the darkness of greed and destruction. With a newfound sense of purpose, favour sets out on a journey that will test his courage, resilience and determination.

The stage is set for a tale of struggle, triumph and the power of one man's unwavering faith in the face of adversity. Welcome to the journey of favourite I, a story of hope and determination. A story that will take you on a captivating adventure through the inspiring life of favour and keep you hooked from start to finish.

Discover how favour overcame challenges, pursued education, fought wars and carved his own path despite the odds stacked against him. Join us as we unravel the tale of a young boy's quest for knowledge and his unwavering commitment to making a, uh, difference in his community. From fishing at a young age to delving into environmental sciences, politics and wars, favours journey is filled with twists and turns that will leave you on the edge of your seat.

Dont miss out on this gripping podcast that showcases the power of curiosity passion and perseverance. Tune in to learn how favor's passion for environmental sciences shapes his future and impacts those around him. Get ready to be inspired by the remarkable story of favour and his unwavering determination to create a better world for himself and his community.

Favour grew into a very independent young man, doing all he could to ensure he continued his education. By the age of eleven, he turned to fishing to support himself. But his efforts yielded little due to the heavily polluted rivers in his swampy environment. One day, frustrated by his lack of success, he asked his father, why don't our rivers have fish?

Or am I just not good at fishing? David replied, no, my son. The oil companies extracting crude oil have polluted our rivers and land. This crude oil helps produce petrol and diesel, but it's also ruining our environment. That's why I had to stop fishing, which used to be my source of income before the oil was discovered.

But father, isn't oil supposed to be a blessing? Asked favourite. Yes, my son, you are, uh, very correct. It should be. Unfortunately, the federal government controls the oil and uses the proceeds elsewhere, leaving us with nothing but the pollution. Contemplating his fathers words, favour sought answers. One Saturday, he visited the mission to speak with a priest who was also his teacher.

On his way, he passed several swamps and saw pipes tangled together. He realised this must be the oil infrastructure his father mentioned. While observing, he noticed a thick substance covering the water, likely the pollutant affecting the fish. A man in uniform approached him and said, don't go too close to the rig.

Good morning, sir. Uh, favour responded, I was just looking at the stuff on the water. Can fish breathe beneath this thick substance? Go away. Shouted the man in uniform. You shouldnt be near the rig. Startled, Faber ran towards the mission. At the mission, Faber found, um, the priest tending to his garden.

Good morning, father, he greeted. Hello, my son, the priest replied. What brings you here today? I want to learn more about how petrol and diesel are produced and their impact on our environment, favour explained. Good, my son, the priest said, handing him a key. Go to the mission library and look for the shelf labelled environmental sciences.

Elated, Favour took the key and began his journey into environmental sciences. Driven by a newfound passion for understanding and mitigating the effects of oil pollution, Favor's educational journey began with hours spent in the mission library, poring over books and articles on environmental science. With each page he turned, his understanding of the complexities surrounding oil production and its environmental impacts deepened.

At the age of 18, Faber gained admission into the university, a significant milestone despite the persistent challenges in his life. During this period, he had a girlfriend named Grace who was involved in petty trading. Grace stood by him through thick and thin, providing emotional, financial and other forms of support.

Hello Grace, my love. Favour greeted her, his voice filled with gratitude and affection. Sweetheart, as you are aware, I have just gained admission into the university. This, you and I know would not have come to light without you. Remember how you have encouraged me to get to this stage?

And also what I told you about my covenant with God on how I must achieve a high education and make my way into the ruling class and try to salvage the situation? Dont worry, my love, said Grace gently. I have saved some money which I intended to pay my fees through school and I can see how clever and determined you are.

For this reason, I will have to defer my education and continue later in order for you to finish yours, since I don't have much that can cater for both of us. Thank you very much, said favour, his eyes welling up with appreciation. You have done more than this already.

You made it possible for me to get to where I am today. I promise to always love you till I cease to breathe. I had a dream last night about what I should do in order to be able to get there, Faber continued, his voice taking on an, uh, earnest tone.

In the dream I saw an angel who took me through all I must do. He told me he was an angel sent by God to rescue the people from the grip of dictators and oppressors. He told me that the ruling class has been warned never to allow somebody from the Niger Delta to take over the mantle of leadership.

He told me that God has made a way for me and taught me the way to go. He said I must play the fool, that I must make them believe I am just a figurehead. He said to me that the road will not be smooth. That is an angel of God, said grace, her uh, eyes shining with conviction.

You must write down what he told you in order not to forget. As for me, I should be able to help in whatever capacity I can. Faber nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and determination. With grace by his side and his faith guiding him, he felt ready to conquer the challenges ahead and fulfil his divine mission favours.

University experience was ah, a journey marked by both struggle and growth. Despite the financial hardships that loomed over him, he managed to excel academically. His determination to make the most of his education drove him to participate actively in class discussions engage in various campus activities and take on leadership roles in student organisations.

These experiences not only broadened his knowledge but also honed um. His ability to think critically and solve problems creatively favours resilience and commitment to his dreams did not go unnoticed. He gained the respect of both his peers and professors, never allowing the challenges to diminish his spirit. With each semester he grew more confident in his abilities and more hopeful about the future he was carving out for himself.

Favours leadership experiences during his university years were nothing short of transformative. He served as the president of the student Government association where he spearheaded initiatives that improved campus life and fostered a more inclusive community. Under his leadership, several new student support programmes were introduced, including mental health awareness campaigns and mentorship opportunities for first year students.

Through these experiences, Faber not only developed his own leadership skills but also made a lasting impact on his university community. Favour studied until he acquired a UH PhD in environmental science. He graduated with second class upper honours in 1981. In 1985 and 1995 he studied for his masters and PhD degrees in hydrobiology and fisheries biology and zoology respectively from the same university.

Between 1983 and 1993 he took up employment as a lecturer in the department of Biological Science, Rivers State College of Education. In his studies about politics he discovered many things which led him to decide to talk to one of his friends on this stunning Sunday morning. He decided to visit one of his colleagues by the name of Michael.

Michael is a british born Nigerian who before deciding to relocate permanently to Nigeria, was a member of the british intelligence for 14 years. He studied geology as his first degree and also has a degree in law and criminology. He has been a source of inspiration to favourite.

Hello Michael, said Favour. I am visiting this morning because I need someone to talk to. Come inside, favour. What do I offer for a drink? Asked Michael. I am fine, dont need anything to drink, said Favour. I have this decision I am planning to make soon. What is that?

Asked Michael. I hope it does not have anything to do with overthrowing the government. Both laughed. Why would I do that? I know it's better with democracy, said Favour. I know, replied Michael. I had a dream a few days ago. In the dream I saw you in a big fight with the powers that be.

You wanted them to do the right thing for the people, but they refused. Instead you were arrested and had to run away from the country as soon as you were released. Favour got up from his seat with a loud sigh, started walking around the room with his face to the ground and suddenly had a long look at Michael.

I am thinking of resigning from this job and going into politics. Michael, with his eyes wide open, stared at him for a minute and said, that will not be a bad idea. But dont you think it will be too dangerous? Remember the kind of guys you will have to work with.

But looking at the kind of person you are, you are a very tough guy. You never give up. I believe in you to bring this country to order in terms of politics and governance. I will consider joining you because there is virtually no representative of our region in the upper political class.

But there is a problem, said Favour. In my research about this topic I discovered that these guys are very brutal when it comes to power. They dont want to lose and can do anything to own it. Own uh what? Asked Michael. I do not think any one individual or a group of individuals owns this country.

If we don't fight for it, we won't be able to be a part of it. You are right, said favour. I am resigning as soon as I am ready to join my state and local politics. But which party do you have in mind? Asked Michael. I will be joining the big party, answered favour.

I want to win, which means I have to join the winning party. Saying this, he headed towards the door. Good one, said Michael while walking along with him. Please endeavour to call me whenever you need me. Before favour could make the decision in 1993 he was out appointed assistant director ecology of the defunct oil mineral Producing Areas Development Commission.

O M. Padek, in charge of environmental protection working in a developmental environment. His desire to better the lot of the people motivated him to answer the call to service which made him delay the planned resignation till 1998. During his tenure at Ompaddock, Faber initiated several key projects aimed at mitigating environmental degradation caused by oil exploration.

His leadership and dedication significantly improved the living conditions in the affected communities, earning him respect and admiration from colleagues and locals alike. Unfortunately, not all individuals in positions of power share favor's dedication and desire to serve. In fact, as Michael pointed out earlier, some may resort to brutal tactics in order to maintain their hold on power.

This is a common problem seen not just in politics, but also in other industries where individuals with power abuse it for personal gain.

In the morning of that beautiful day in 1998, Faber visited his father and met him sitting under the mango tree at the side of their house. Hello, my son, said his father. The weather has been so hot and there is no electricity to power the fan you bought for me, so I decided to sit under the tree for fresh air.

That's okay, dad answered. Favour, I have come to seek your advice regarding a decision I made recently. What is it? My son asked uh, David while getting up from his seat to usher him into the house. Sit, father. It is quite nice out here. I will get a seat to join you out here.

Favour dashed into the house, grabbed a seat, and in less than a minute was outside sitting with his dad. Father, I have resigned my appointment and joined politics. David got up from his seat with shock written all over his face, stared at the sky for seconds, and then said, you, have never faltered in any of your decisions.

This will not be different. You have done so many things that were seen in our community as impossible. You have made the sun shine when it should be raining and made rain fall while it should be shining. Whatever you say you will do. You always did. Tell me what you are planning this time.

Father, I intend to take over the leadership of this nation in the nearest future and make sure I mould it to the shape it should be to cater for the people. Suddenly David jumped up from his seat yet again, hugged his son, and said in a low voice, my son, I know you can do it because I know you.

You have never failed. But this time you have to be very careful because I have heard that the people presently at the top are very dangerous. The other day I overheard Mister James discussing with Mister Ben. They said they read in a book that one of the former dictators had a grinding machine where he ground any opposition that failed to do his will.

They also read in the same book that some of them have got lions density meant for the opposition as well. No? Father Faber laughed. That must have been exaggerated anyway, for your mind to be at rest, I am with the winning party. I will be safe. I will be smart.

I have a, ah, plan, Dad. I will get there. David hugged his son again and prayed for him. I am your father. I pray that our ancestors and our, uh, God be with you since I know they sent you after the prayer favour, thanked his father for the prayer and belief, and left the house.

Dad. Dad. He called coming back to ask for his childhood friends, Peter and Paul. They are fine, answered David. Peter was here last week to see how I was faring. I asked after Paul and was told he is fine in Onyche, the main market in the east, doing his business, favours smiled, relieved to hear that his childhood friends were doing well.

He remembered the time they spent together as kids, playing and dreaming of their future. They had all come from humble beginnings, but favour was determined to make something of himself and help those around him. As he made his way, favour thought about the conversation with his father. He knew it wouldnt be easy taking on such a big responsibility, but he was ready for the challenge.

While a member of the biggest political party in the nation, Favour was one day chosen among many to be the deputy governor in his state. He was appointed on the basis that he was more intelligent and educated. Favour was so surprised to see his dream coming true. He was surprised because he did not believe it could happen.

You have been chosen to team up with Antony to contest for the position of the governor of this state, said the man with the microphone, who happened to be the spokesperson for the party nationwide. The party had done its homework to make sure that both of them would represent the party.

On hearing that, Favour was astonished. Uh, when it was his turn to address the crowd present at the party meeting, he had this to, among others, I. Favour David pledged to abide by the rules of this great party while doing the will of the people. He was applauded for his pledge to serve his people as a deputy governor.

Favour was a man of the people, though he could not show much of that because of his position, but was always in contact with those at the grassroots. On arriving at the Government House, it dawned on him that his new role was to make his people feel the benefits that come with democracy.

In his office as the deputy, he made sure that all was transparent. He worked closely with the governor to ensure they succeeded. Favour could not do much for the people since he was not the direct decision maker, but was able to contribute his own quota in terms of advice and suggestions, though they were mostly ignored.

Favour was so disappointed with the way things were going in the state that he thought of resigning his position. This thought he quickly rescinded and said to himself, there is no going back. I am here to stay. After all, this is not my destination. I will do whatever I can to assist the government, to make sure the people are happy.

I will need to talk to my friend Michael. Favour grabbed the phone and dialled a number. Hello? A voice on the other end answered. Hello, my friend, said Favour. I am wondering if you can be my personal advisor. This would mean resigning your position and relocating to the state capital.

Wow. Shouted Michael. I resigned just yesterday as promised. I was to call you today to make arrangements to meet with you. I also dreamed of the same position. Uh, in the dream, I was working with you in this same capacity. Now I am beginning to see that we are in this together.

You are right, said Favour. The job has started right away. I have a question already. I am not happy with the way things are going in our government. I even contemplated resigning. No way. Favour. Shouted Michael. You cant resign. No matter how despairing you may be, you must continue to play the fool.

Do your bit and make sure you dont present yourself as a threat to the government. Let every single person you deal with see you as one of them. You are right, said Favour. You have to come down to the state capitol as soon as possible. I will be with you this week.

Answered um, Michael, but will call you to let you know the day and time. Favour continued in the business as usual, with little or no advice, because he knew there was no way he would be able to influence the government to see things from his angle. He was a figurehead, a man who would collect his salary without being able to work for it.

This made him very sick and tired of the situation. Since there was not much he could do, he decided to channel part of his energy towards the oil companies themselves. He tried to use the section of the law on oil spillage, but was advised to stay clear to avoid being given a bad name on the close of work.

On this fateful day, favour got home tired and stressed. Hello, darling, said Grace with a soft voice. You look so stressed today. Hope you are fine. I am very fine, my love. The only problem is the way I am made to sit without being taken seriously. Even when I try to offer solutions to issues, they see me as deaf and dumb.

They dont want to hear what I would love to say. I knew it was going to be like this anyway, replied Grace. I trust you. Use your senses and make this nation proud. As she was saying this, she was at the same time unlacing his shoes, took off his coat and led him to the shower.